Press release: Puertito de Adeje sponsored by 1000 people
By GeoTenerife
🇬🇧🇺🇸 1,000 sponsors
Thank you! We are over 1,000 sponsors helping to highlight the geology of Puertito de Adeje in Tenerife. Thanks to the “Adopt a Rock” project by @igme1849 we are now a thousand voices helping to bring attention to its internationally valued geology. In Puertito, there is a site of geological interest (LIG 4049 ) from the Spanish National Inventory of Geological Sites of Interest, with a HIGH protection priority.
Once you have signed up, all sponsors can report an “incidence” if they are in the area and detect anything that may affect the deposits. It’s a fantastic initiative that allows locals and citizens not only to show their love for a geological site, but express their concern and for it to be registered and reported to the responsible authorities so there is a record over time.