Press release: Puertito de Adeje sponsored by 1000 people
By GeoTenerife
馃嚞馃嚙馃嚭馃嚫 1,000 sponsors
Thank you! We are over 1,000 sponsors helping to highlight the geology of Puertito de Adeje in Tenerife. Thanks to the “Adopt a Rock” project by @igme1849 we are now a thousand voices helping to bring attention to its internationally valued geology. In Puertito, there is a site of geological interest (LIG 4049 ) from the Spanish National Inventory of Geological Sites of Interest, with a HIGH protection priority.
Once you have signed up, all sponsors can report an “incidence” if they are in the area and detect anything that may affect the deposits. It’s a fantastic initiative that allows locals and citizens not only to show their love for a geological site, but express their concern and for it to be registered and reported to the responsible authorities so there is a record over time.