Seismic swarm in Las Cañadas del Teide

A seismogram showing drumbeat seismicity on 14 November 2024, where there were hundreds of small and similar magnitude earthquakes, occurring at almost regular time intervals. Courtesy of IGN.
A seismogram showing drumbeat seismicity on 14 November 2024, where there were hundreds of small and similar magnitude earthquakes, occurring at almost regular time intervals. Courtesy of IGN.

🇬🇧 🇺🇸 On 14 November 2024, more than 500 earthquakes were detected in the Cañadas del Teide, southwest of Pico Viejo, in the same area where seismicity has been recorded in recent years (October 2016, June 2019 and June and July 2022). There were also additional earthquakes that were too small (low magnitude) to be located (IGN, 2024).

🇪🇸 🇮🇨 El 14 de noviembre de 2024 se detectaron más de 500 terremotos en las Cañadas del Teide, al suroeste de Pico Viejo, en la misma zona donde se ha registrado sismicidad en los últimos años (octubre de 2016, junio de 2019 y junio y julio de 2022). También se produjeron otros terremotos que fueron demasiado pequeños (baja magnitud) para ser localizados (IGN, 2024).

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