Innovating Water Infrastructures for a Sustainable Future.

Geologically Enhanced Nature-based Solutions for climate change resiliency of critical water infrastructure

La Palma’s demonstrator sites


Using volcanic rock layers to control the rate of water abstraction


Creating a 3D model of the geology and water galleries of La Palma.


Creation of water infiltration monitoring wells


Multipurpose approach to reduce the risk of marine and groundwater contamination and floods. 

GeoTenerife’s role in Genesis La Palma demonstrator sites

Our main responsibilities are the Training Camp, the GENESIS Citizen Science Hub, and social engagement.

La Palma Training Bootcamp

The boot camp aims to educate geoscientists and practitioners involved in water management and adaptation to climate change, including engineers, social scientists and IT developers interested in having a deeper understanding of the development and implementation of GENESIS. After the project funding period, VPCGT will incorporate the boot camp in the training programmes it develops for hydrologists and hydrogeologists and will seek cooperation with companies and high education institutions/research centres interested in providing field trips and field training to their members/students on geosciences topics and NbS to safeguarding fresh water. (Genesis, 2024)

Citizen Science Hub

This task will set up the project citizen science hub, a cross-pollination space for mutual learning and sharing that provides expert knowledge and collects data and information from citizens. The hub will be an inclusive, collaborative and interactive platform to be disseminated in the communities of the nine demonstrator sites and three replicating sites, and later expanded to all Macaronesia. The hub communication platform will be associated with the project website and use social media over the project's lifespan and potentially beyond. This multi-way online channel enables knowledge-sharing from project findings and stimulates citizens' participation. (Genesis, 2024)

Social engagement

Using innovative methods to enhance the mainstreaming of Nature-based Solutions to significantly accelerate adaptation efforts and shore up social support for the adoption of NbS that builds systemic climate resilience in the communities. Our planned methodologies include the ‘El agua y yo’ contest, designed to engage young people in how access to water impacts their lives. Further plans will be announced on this page, so please come back again soon.

Recent News and Updates

Genesis: Science week and the El Agua y Yo competition

On Friday, November 15th, 2024, GeoTenerife attended the Science Week event at the Centro Cultural Andares in Villa de Mazo to. discuss the importance of the Hydrogeological system. Other key members of La Palma's scientific community attended the event: Iván Hernández Ríos Technical Engineer of the GENESIS demonstrator sites across La Palma, Jaime Colleo Director of the Fundación Telesforo Bravo-Juan Coello, and representatives of the La Palma Research Centre.

‘El agua y yo’ School contest

The Genesis project aims to design and implement nature-based solutions to benefit local communities’ access to water. Any school-age person in La Palma can submit a 1-minute video about how water impacts their lives. The submission deadline will be the summer of 2025. The prize for 1st place will be an expense-paid trip to one of the GENESIS demonstrator sites in Cape Verde or Maderia.

If you have any questions about the ‘El agua y yo’ contest,

contact us at ajay@geotenerife.com



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2023 green research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 101157447.