this one

GENESIS is an EU Horizon-funded project that aims to research and produce local and regional Nature-based Solutions (Nbs) creating demonstrator sites across Macaronesia. The project will test innovative NbS, including dry gallery and underground dike-impounded dam systems. On this programme, you will work alongside our consortium partners on ongoing research into underground water storage and infrastructure, water resources, and the climate impacts on water in La Palma.

The programme this summer will include:

  • Technical visits to galleries and wells
  • Water sampling in springs, wells, galleries, canals, and reservoirs.
  • Training to use specialised hydrology equipment such as piezometers and measurements of the upper surface of phreatic zone.
  • Water infrastructure topography.
  • Demonstrator site visits for a deeper understanding of the Genesis Project.
  • Agricultural site visits, including banana, avocado, and other plantations, to understand the impact of reduced water resources.
  • Measure flow rates and the capacities of water storage.

This work will be carried out in collaboration with:

  • IGME-CSIC – The National Geological Survey is responsible for geological mapping, mineral and groundwater resource assessment, and the study of geological hazards in Spain.
  • Consejo Insular de Aguas La Palma –The Consejo Insular de Aguas de La Palma is an autonomous body attached to the Cabildo Insular de La Palma, which is responsible for the management, planning and administration of the island’s water resources.
  • CANARAGUA – They are a Canarian company in the environmental sector that manages all the processes related to the integral water cycle in the Canary Islands.
  • AIM – The Association for Research on Macaronesia (AIM) is a non-profit based on the island of La Palma, Canary Islands. AIM aims to foster a research model in the Macaronesian region that is in line with regional priorities and forward-looking, as in the GENESIS Project.
  • LPRC – Independent, internationally active think-tank headquartered on Isla de La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain.
  • Comunidad de Aguas Tenisca – Comunidad de Aguas “TENISCA” are in charge of research, pumping, channelling and distribution of water for irrigation purposes and, fundamentally, the lifting, exploitation, transport and distribution of water from the Community’s wells