23 Dec PEVOLCA reports mass evacuation and increase in the exclusion zone
PEVOLCA reports mass evacuation and increase in the exclusion zone
Red traffic light
The eruption begins prompting mass evacuations
The PEVOLCA steering committee briefly raised the Alert Level to Orange, and then to Red (the highest level on a four-color scale) by 1700 for high-risk municipalities directly affected by the eruption (GVP, 2021). Forty homes were evicted and the number of evacuees stands at around 5,500 people, the Maritime Captaincy has extended the exclusion radius to 2 nautical miles, and the 2km radius exclusion zone around the volcano is established (Gobierno de Canarias, 2021). The La Palma airport briefly closed, livestock were evacuated, and education centers were closed along with sections of multiple highways (GVP, 2021).

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