La Palma update 16th September 2021: Seismicity continues

La Palma update 16th september 2021: Seismicity continues

Daily summary

Miguel Ángel Morcuende, head of the Environment and Emergencies service of the Government of La Palma, has been appointed technical director of PEVOLCA and will be responsible for directing and coordinating all actions carried out under the Plan itself. To meet the telecommunications demands that an emergency could bring, the government has decided to upgrade the existing Canary Islands Emergency and Security Network (RESCAN).

Regarding the seismic swarm, the earthquakes have decreased slightly in both number and magnitude, although it is stressed that the intensification of activity in the short term cannot be ruled out. The average depth of the seismicity as further decreased however, being recorded largely at 4-5 km, however low magnitude shallow seismicity (1-3 km depth) also continues to be recorded. Across the island, inflation continues to be recorded, with up to 10 cm of vertical movement recorded, coincident with the location of the majority of the seismicity.

Sources: Government of the Canary Islands, PEVOLCA, Involcan, IGN, DSN, Cabildo La Palma, 112 Canarias

A map showing the earthquakes since the 11th, they remain in the south of the island although have got shallower and moved a bit northwest since they started

A map of the location and magnitude of the earthquakes since the start of the seismic swarm on the 11th. Image credit: IGN


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  • Daily Mail – Mail article that mentions the mega-tsunami and misrepresents interviewee – here
  • Reuters – Earthquake swarm – here

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Interactive Lava Flow Map

Notes: Use the button in the top right to open the map into full screen mode. Use the legend icon in the top left to see the legend and further information about the map. Click on individual days to see an outline of the lava flows on that day.

Interactive Earthquake Map

click here to enlarge

Notes: The size of the points represents the size of the earthquake, and the colour represents the depth. The map will also only show a certain number of points at once. For ease of use, we recommend you uncheck all dates and the satellite basemap from the legend in the top right, and inspect the earthquakes one day at a time.

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