The two effusive vents that opened a few hundred metres NW of the main cone on the 1st October no longer show any activity, according to PEVOLCA. However, the Strombolian vents in the main cone and those on the flanks of the main cone are still active. Activity in the fumarole field on the SE flank has decreased, although gas emission and high soil temperatures have been observed 100 m NW of the newly inactive vents. It is noted that no eruptive parameters indicate the eruption could be near its end. The active lava flows predominantly travel from the main cone to the lava delta, which is now 36 hectares in size, via lava tubes. The lava flows travelling on top of the existing lava flows also remain well contained and as such there is currently limited widening of the area affected by the flows. Latest assessments indicate 420.12 hectares are covered by lava flows, with the lava flow field being a maximum of 1,250 m wide. Assessments of the marine environment have indicated that physio-chemical parameters of the sea water have only been affected between 0-250 m depth, within 500 m of the front of the lava delta.

In the first official assessment of the classification of the eruption based on its size, the authorities have announced that the eruption is a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 2 eruption. This classification is based solely on the cumulative amount of material emitted by the volcano so far, and as such the VEI may increase as the eruption continues for longer. Several active strombolian vents are still observed in the main cone, as well as two vents on the NW sector of the flank of the main cone, one of which was the site of the partial collapse observed on the evening of the 3rd. The two effusive vents further away from the main vent that opened on the 1st October show less activity than previous days. The fumarole field on the flanks of the main cone is still observed, although is relatively weakened. The active lava flows largely continue to cover ground covered by earlier flows aside from breakouts further away from the cone, and the presence of lava tubes have also been confirmed which allows the transport of more fluid lava. The affected area has increased to 413 hectares, and the maximum width of the flow field is now 1,250 m.

The explosivity of the eruption has increased, with activity being more concentrated in the strombolian vents in the main cone than the vents on the flanks of the main cone. The fumarolic field on the NW flank remains active, and elsewhere, activity from the two effusive vents away from the main cone feeding the newest lava flow has decreased. Recently, the main cone has undergone reconfiguration as a result of eruptive processes; the current cone is wider, lower and closed than the one seen in previous days. A partial collapse of the cone at around 7:00 pm local time produced an overspill of very fluid lava from the cone, which also included some very large blocks created by the collapse. The latest damage assessments indicate 400 hectares have been affected by lava, which is up to 1 km wide. According to Copernicus EMS, 1,074 buildings have been affected, with 946 of them destroyed, along with 30.7 km of roads. The lava delta now covers an area of 29.7 hectares.

Based upon improved meteorological conditions and air quality levels, the confinements of parts of El Paso and Los Llanos de Aridane on the evening of the 1st October have been lifted, as well as the confinement of Tazacorte ordered six days ago. The eruption continues to show a strombolian mechanism, with pulses of various intensity, and both effusive and more explosive vents. A small ash and gas emission center opened on the NW flank of the main cone after 9:00 am The two effusive events that opened up on the 1st October away from the main cone continue to feed a lava flow that now skirts the northern edge of the previous flows, although it is not certain whether it will run laterally or completely join these older flows. The lava delta continues to grow and is now up to 35 m thick and reaches 540 m from the coastline. The last irrigation connection in the area, in El Remo, has been destroyed by the lava flows, and authorities are working on plans to install portable desalinization plants to resupply the area with water for crop irrigation.

At 2:30 am local time, two new effusive vents 15 m apart opened approximately 600 m NW of the base of the main cone. These have formed a single fluid lava flow, which is travelling parallel to the existing flows and is expected to join them given the slope of the local topography. The three vents inside the main crater and the effusive vent on the NE sector of the main cone also remain active, as does the recent fumarole field on the NW flank. The lava delta continues to grow, and is now measured at 475 m long, reaching 30 m depth and covering 27.7 Ha. According to the latest damage assessments by Copernicus EMS, 1,005 buildings have been affected so far, and 27.7 km of roads have been damaged. Regarding air quality, the SO2 concentrations in Tazacorte, Los Llanos and El Paso reduced throughout the day to low levels, although PM10 concentrations were high in all stations across the island, although this was partially due to the intrusion of Saharan dust in the current weather system. Based on this and also the temperature inversion preventing the dispersion of gases from the combustion of fertilizers and greenhouse plastics, a confinement was ordered for some areas of El Paso and Los Llanos de Aridane in the evening,

The lava delta continues to be fed by the active lava flows, which show some stability in that they are largely confined to within previous lava flows. However, there are also localised breakouts onto previously unaffected land. The lava delta has reached a thickness of 24 m and is now beginning to spread laterally. Surface activity at the main cone continues to show a mixed mechanism with strombolian activity from multiple vents in the main cone, and more effusive Hawaiian activity from a vent at the base of the NW sector on the main cone, with occasional phreatomagmatic pulses too. Throughout the morning of the 30th, an extensive fumarole field developed on the NE flank of the main cone. The continued presence of a thermal inversion is hampering the dispersal of volcanic gases and ash, leading to a decrease in air quality in the Aridane Valley. SO2 concentrations in Tazacorte peaked at ‘very high’ levels (>500 μg/m3) at 8:00 am local time and increases in SO2 concentrations have also been observed in Los Llanos de Aridane, along with reports of a ‘rotten egg’ smell, although these values do not currently represent a health hazard.

The active lava flow continues cascade down the cliffs of Playa de Los Guirres to the sea, where a lava delta (also called by the Canarianism “fajana”) is being created. The contact of the lava and seawater are creating gases of vapour, although currently due to the prevailing winds these have not spread laterally and are concentrated in a small area around the lava delta. Nonetheless, the confinement order remains in place for neighbourhoods in Tazacorte for the moment. The rest of the lava flows remain practically inactive, and new damage estimates 476 hectares have been covered by the lava flows, and 744 buildings have been damaged or destroyed according to the Copernicus Satellite. Regarding surface activity, strombolian activity continues with pulses of increased and decreased intensity, as well as an effusive focus from the vent on the NW sector of the main cone. Ash concentrations are higher than previous days in the Aridane Valley, so the population are reminded to wear FFP2 or better facemasks when outside and take extra caution. Irrigators and evacuated residents outside the exclusion zone have been allowed in to tend to their crops and remove their belongings, and have been accompanied by UME and the Civil Guard who can monitor gas concentrations in real time.

The lava flow began the day approximately 1000 m from the coast, although it advanced quickly throughout the day due to the large volume of fluid lava being emitted from the effusive vent on the northwest sector of the cone. The lava flow crossed to the south of Todoque mountain and reached the sea at 11:00 pm local time after cascading down the cliffs at Playa de Los Guirres. Due to the clouds of vapour being produced by the contact of the lava with the sea, which could contain high concentrations of gases such as hydrogen chloride (HCl), the confinement order in Tazacorte remains in place. Throughout the day, there were also issues with suspended particles in the air, both directly from the volcano and from the burning of plastic and other noxious materials in greenhouses and agricultural buildings by the lava flows. This problem was exacerbated by a low temperature inversion at 600 m preventing the dispersal of these particles in the evening. This led to the exceedance of the PM10 particle air quality threshold level (50 μg/m3) in Los Llanos de Aridane.

The eruption has seen a large variation of activity, with increases and decreases in the intensity of Strombolian activity, as well as pulses of phreatomagmatic activity (characterised by white plumes rich in water vapour) and periods of no strombolian activity from the main cone. The first period of cessation was between 4:10-4:30 am local time, and similar activity with occasional weak ash-rich explosions was seen throughout much of the day. These cessations were accompanied with greatly reduced volcanic tremor values, and have been attributed to a temporary plugging of the conduit. From approximately 6:30 pm local time, continuous strombolian activity returned to the vents in the main cone and increased in intensity throughout the evening, accompanied with a sharp increase in volcanic tremor. The lava flows continue to advance and are located between 800-1000 m from the coast, although the northern lava flow front which reached Todoque mountain on the 26th has greatly slowed. Nonetheless, due to the potential hazards from explosions and noxious clouds of vapour when the lava contacts the sea, preventative confinement measures have been put in place for 300 people in the coastal areas of Tazacorte.

Based on the evolution of the eruption, the 160 residents evacuated from Tajuya and Tacande on the 24th can return to their homes. According to Maria Jose Blanco, this has been allowed by the lack of the instability seen in the cone on the 24th, as well as the relative stability of eruption parameters such as tremor which was elevated and unstable at the time the evacuation was first ordered. The eruption continues to show both Strombolian activity from 3 or more vents in the main cone, as well as more effusive Hawaiian activity from the vent at the base of the NW sector of the main cone. The lava from this effusive vent continues to feed two active lava flows; a southern flow at travelling at approximately 30 m per hour; and a more fluid flow to the north which has sped up and is travelling at around 100 m per hour and is expected to overrun the front of the older stalled lava flow front to the north according to modelling carried out by the authorities. At 8:15pm, the latter flow reached Todoque mountain, about 1,600 m from the coast.