27 Dec The confinement of areas within Tazacorte ends
The confinement of areas within Tazacorte ends
Red traffic light
Rapid decrease in the number of seismic events but a high magnitude is maintained.
Lava flow causes confinements in Tazacorte.
Effusive/strombolian activity
The PEVOLCA Directorate has finalized this noon the confinement order for the coastal areas Tazacorte decreed yesterday as a result of the arrival of lava flow 7 at La Viña beach. Since it has been confirmed that today there is no longer any risk to the population due to the emanation of gases when the lava comes into contact with the sea. This measure affected San Borondón, Tazacorte Casco and the Cardón spread to Camino Los Palomares in the north, although the population closest to the new lava delta is still recommended to wear an FFP2 mask (Gobierno de Canarias, 2021).

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