23 Dec The northwest lava flow forces new evacuations
The northwest lava flow forces new evacuations
Red traffic light
Earthquake magnitudes, intensity, and quantity increase and deflation of the eruptive centre is observed.
Lava spreads and prompts confinements which are later lifed as risk reduces.
It was reported that the original lava flow and the appendages of that flow surround the Todoque mountain and have stopped their advance, simultaneously the flow located to the northwest presents the greatest hazard. With the information provided by hazard maps of the flows, the Plan Directorate ordered new preventive evacuations last night and this morning in La Laguna. The Ministry of Public Administrations, Justice and Security of the Government of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies, has acquired 24 portable gas detection equipment for the police and intervention troops deployed during the volcanic emergency on La Palma (Gobierno de Canarias, 2021).

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