La Palma update 18th September 2021: Very shallow seismicity continues

La Palma update 18th september 2021: Very shallow seismicity continues

Daily summary

A PEVOLCA meeting today chaired by Justice, Security and Public Administrations Minister Julio Pérez on the evolution of the seismic activity on La Palma covered among other things advancing actions for a possible future evacuation of the population in the affected municipalities of Fuencaliente, Los Llanos de Aridane, El Paso and Villa de Mazo. The Cabildo de La Palma, who were in attendance, have activated their island-wide PEINPAL Emergency Plan as a preventative measure. Furthermore, an observation flight over La Palma has been coordinated for the monitoring of the ongoing activity. As well as the island-wide emergency plans, the town councils of the affected municipalities (Fuencaliente, Los Llanos de Aridane, El Paso and Villa de Mazo) have also activated their local emergency plans.

In terms of seismic events, PEVOLCA verified a decrease in seismic activity although were clear to state that this does not imply a halt to the volcanic reactivation and could merely be a transitionary phase. The seismic activity has migrated NE since the previous day, with pulses at both 6-8 km, and also at very shallow depths near the surface. Vertical inflation continues to be recorded albeit at a lower rate, which according to PEVOLCA is compatible with a shallower source of deformation. Given the progression of the activity, the occurrence of felt earthquakes of greater intensity, and the beginning of surface activity, is not impossible.

Sources: Government of the Canary Islands, PEVOLCA, Involcan, IGN, DSN, Cabildo La Palma, 112 Canarias

A map of La Palma showing the earthquakes have become shallower in the last days

A map of the location and magnitude of the earthquakes since the start of the seismic swarm on the 11th. Image credit: IGN


Exclusion zone map

Exclusion zones shown here have been approximated from press releases from the Cabildo de La Palma and will not be exact, nor claim to be official maps of the exclusion zones. For official information, please contact the Cabildo de La Palma.

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  • Volcano Discovery – Eq swarm picks up again and deformation reaches 10 cm – here

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Notes: Use the button in the top right to open the map into full screen mode. Use the legend icon in the top left to see the legend and further information about the map. Click on individual days to see an outline of the lava flows on that day.

Interactive Earthquake Map

click here to enlarge

Notes: The size of the points represents the size of the earthquake, and the colour represents the depth. The map will also only show a certain number of points at once. For ease of use, we recommend you uncheck all dates and the satellite basemap from the legend in the top right, and inspect the earthquakes one day at a time.

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