Mixed activity continues to be seen from the main cone, with strombolian activity and ash emission coming from multiple vents at fluctuating intensity and explosivity, as well as some more effusive phases producing lava flows. Fluid lava flows continue to be emitted from the effusive focus to the west of the main cone. At this time, the lava flows flow west through multiple lava tubes and all head towards flow 9 at the southern margin of the current lava deltas. The cracks and fractures observed in the secondary NE cone in the last days have not shown any relevant changes, and have been attributed to the cooling and contraction of the cone when it became inactive on the 4th December. Due to the stagnation of the lava flows to the NW, evacuees from the Calle Nicolás Brito País and Las Martelas de Abajo areas of Los Llanos De Aridane are allowed to return home this morning.

The eruptive activity remains centred around several emission points in the centre and southeast part of the main cone, with pulsing strombolian activity and ash emission, and also the effusive vents to the west of the main cone. The effusive vents emit very degassed and fluid lavas, that are travelling through various streams, including through a lava tube to a cliff in the Las Hoyas area (flow 9), and also to the SW over previously unaffected areas. At the central cone, the cracks observed yesterday in the upper part of the northeast secondary cone have not shown any changes since the last observation.

The eruption continues with strombolian activity with variable amounts of gas and ash emission from the main cone, as well as an effusive focus to the west of the main cone that opened up on the 4th of December. The flows from this region have now reached the sea, adding material to the southern lava delta. Elsewhere, lava flow activity continues to the concentrated mainly in lava tubes in the centre of the flow, feeding flow 4. A new Copernicus EMS map, showing lava flow progress until 5th December 07:50 UTC calculates 1,212 ha and 2,881 buildings affected by the flows.

The eruption continues to show mixed activity from the main cone, with strombolian activity of varying intensity and explosiveness, producing both pyroclastic deposits and lava flows. The new fissure, which opened up oriented E-W west of Las Manches cemetery close to noon yesterday (04/12), continues to show effusive activity producing very fluid lava flows, which inundate new areas to the south of the current lava flow field, and has reached and reactivated the southern lava delta (flow 9). Elsewhere, other new emission points to the west of the main cone are feeding flows in the centre of the flow field, which join lava tubes heading towards flows 4 and 7. Latest figures from Copernicus estimate 2,897 buildings and 1,151 hectares are affected by the lava flow field, which is 3.35 km across and the widest point.

Throughout the day, the surface activity of the volcano was variable, with the northeast vent that was been the most active over the last week stopping, and the foci of the eruption switching to vents on the southeast flank of the main cone, which showed intermittent strombolian activity. This switch led to the reactivation of the lava flows to the south of Cogote Mountain, which occupy new land to the south of the flow field, although they were viscous and moved slowly. However, in the early evening, it was reported that new emission centres aligned east-west appeared lower down the southern flow west of the Las Manchas cemetery. These are emitting very fluid lava, speeding up the advance of the new lava flow and affecting further land.

Today, the eruptive activity is low and varied, relative to recent days. Until the early morning, activity was concentrated in the northeast vent, which showed periods of strong strombolian activity interspersed with shorter periods of no activity from either vent. Numerous active lava streams remained close to the vent, which are predominantly flowing through the main portion of the flow field over existing flows (mostly flow 10). Throughout the day eruptive activity has been low to minimal, with no activity from the northeast cone for much of the day, and occasional ash-rich emission, likely phreatomagmatic in nature, from the main vent.

Eruptive activity continues to be concentrated around the vent on the NE flank of the main cone that has formed a secondary cone of pyroclasts, with some intermittent ash and fumarolic activity from the main cone. The active lava flows now travel only over previous flows, through the centre of the flow field towards the northern lava delta at flow 7, and also along flow 8 along the northern margin of the lava flow field towards La Laguna. According to the latest stats from the Cadastre, 1,562 buildings have been destroyed, including 1,250 residential buildings and 163 for agricultural use. Seismicity decreased markedly compared to the last two days, especially in relation to intermediate depth (10-15 km) earthquakes. 98 events were recorded, with almost all of the events being at intermediate depths, with only a handful of deep (30-45 km depth) events. The day’s largest earthquake which was a mbLg 4.2 event at 11 km depth.

Eruptive activity from the vents in the main cone has continued to be sporadic, with the majority of the eruptive activity being concentrated in strombolian activity in the secondary cone on the NE flank of the main cone, which produces lava flows and pyroclasts. The northernmost flow, now called flow 12, continues to be fed by this cone and has a second branch travelling on top of flow 8 which is about 800 m from La Laguna. The latest data indicate 1,134 hectares have been affected by the lava flows, and the flow field reaches a maximum width of 3,350 m. Damage estimates from Copernicus estimate 2,860 buildings have been affected by the lava flows, whilst the land registry only estimates 1,548 buildings destroyed. Seismicity was once again very high. 336 events were recorded, with most being intermediate (10-15 km depth) events although some deep (30-45 km depth) events were recorded. The day’s largest earthquake which was a mbLg 4.0 event at 11 km depth.

The eruptive activity remains intermittent from some or all of the vents in the main cone at times, although lava emission has continued from the main cone. Elsewhere, at the new secondary cone at the NE of the main cone, there have been several small landslides. There are two main active lava flows, the flow to the north of the flow field near Tajuya attached to previous flows, and a flow to the west of Todoque Mountain covering new land. Seismicity increased significantly, measuring the most daily events recorded since the eruption began. 376 events were recorded, with most being intermediate (10-15 km depth) events although some deep (30-45 km depth) events were recorded, including the day’s largest earthquake which was a mbLg 4.8 event at 37 km depth.

Activity from the summit of the central cone has been minimal today, contrasting with previous days where weak strombolian and phreatomagmatic activity was observed. The lower Hawaiian vents at the base of the northeastern flank that opened in the early hours of the 28th November continue to produce a large but decreased quantity of lava relative to yesterday. These feed a new lava flow covering new land near the northern margin of the current lava field, in the direction of La Laguna. However, the flow is slower and more viscous today, and it is expected to join flow number 8 (the flow nearest the centre of La Laguna) or stop, depending on the evolution of the activity from the feeding vents.