
GeoIntern 2024 deadline is now CLOSED

One place is reserved for a local scholar who is a resident of the Canary Islands. Write to before April 1st to express your interest in the programme.

We are proud to announce the launch of our 11th annual GeoIntern, a summer training programme we run in association with local and international experts and institutions that places students in active research projects where they can learn a range of highly transferable skills over the course of four weeks. All of our GeoIntern programmes, which cover a range of disciplines, will take place from 29th June to the 27th July 2024. The deadline for applications has now been extended to the 17th March 2024 and it is open to undergraduates and recent graduates from relevant fields of study of any nationality. GeoIntern is an inclusive programme.


GeoTenerife is committed to open access. Once again we will offer full scholarships and half scholarships for the summer GeoIntern programme. We are passionate about making our programmes accessible to talented young scientists wherever possible, and our scholarships are intended to support students who otherwise would not be able to apply. Full scholarships will cover the course fee (which includes weekday half-board accommodation, all local transfers, tuition, liability insurance and excursions but not flights to/from Tenerife or weekend catering) plus a stipend of €500 to help towards other costs. To see how previous scholars got on, please see our dedicated Twitter feed @GeoTScholar.

Transferable skills

GeoIntern is a great opportunity to learn a range of skills, attend exclusive lectures from leading local and international experts and gain experience working alongside seasoned professionals out in the field. ALL TEACHING IS IN ENGLISH.

We are particularly interested in helping you to develop your science communication skills. Whatever your chosen career later on, learning how best to present your views on science and your work will stand you in good stead, and we believe learning to communicate science to the general public is vital so research is not limited just to papers and conferences.

Weeks 1 and 2 of GeoIntern will be dedicated to SciComm training to learn the latest practical skills in science communication; an introduction to the dramatic volcanology of the Canary Islands through a series of technical and field trips and training for the collaborative research work you will participate in during weeks 3 and 4.

Recognition and networking

Your collaborative research work alongside the professionals in the field will be fully recognised in any subsequent publication resulting from the research you collaborate alongside the experts and institutions that participate in our summer training programme.

Throughout your time with us, you will also be taught by a range of our local, associated experts. It is part of our drive to help young scientists start developing contact networks early on to help in their future career development.


We take care of all your local accommodation, transfers (from meeting you on arrival in Tenerife to transfers to other islands when your programme demands it) as well as a weekly excursion programme to ensure you maximise your time with us. Our dedicated GeoTenerife field manager is available throughout to ensure the smooth daily running of the programme and to resolve any issues that may arise.

Want to see how previous students got on?

You can scroll through our dedicated Twitter feeds @GeoIntern and @GeoTScholar. Please have a look at our playlist of GeoIntern testimonial interviews on our YouTube channel dating right back to 2014 here. You can also catch up on what our past interns are up to on our Facebook page, by scrolling through our “WHERE ARE THEY NOW?” posts, which we will update throughout this application period.

To apply

GeoIntern is heavily over-subscribed every year. To apply, read through the various programmes and decide which one/s you’d like to be considered for. Then click on “Apply Now” below and fill in the form. Only one form per candidate.

To maximise your chances of a successful application, take care of the details:

  • Read through the programmes thoroughly to ensure you apply for the one/s that best fits your interests
  • Ensure you meet the requirements for the programme/s you are interested in
  • Some elements of your application have a word limit. We do this for a reason – we want you to take care of your application, and prioritise the most important information. Re-hashed, poorly thought-out epistles don’t float our boat.
  • The link will be deactivated once the deadline has passed, and late submissions will not be admitted.
  • Write a GREAT cover letter. We are specifically looking for enthusiastic young scientists who are passionate about their subject and can show they are committed and professionally minded.
  • For the CV section, we are mainly interested in your academic experience and achievements.
  • Read through your application before you press “submit”. You only get one chance to make a first impression.
  • Shortlisted candidates (particularly potential GeoTScholars) may be required to undertake a Skype interview after the deadline for submission passes.

We work hard to create a unique programme to help talented young scientists get a wide range of experience and skills. Now tell us why you’re perfect for the role. Good luck!

All programmes include

Contribution to VolcanoStories

As a Geoscience education and sustainable tourism company based in the Canary Islands, with a special interest in responsible science communication, we are in a unique position to document and analyse volcanic activity, readiness,  reconstruction, and sustainable tourism practices. The VolcanoStories project by GeoTenerife is a multi-media project which aims to increase the awareness and understanding of volcanic preparedness, sustainable tourism, and geological research. To fulfil these aims we work with leading local, regional, and national institutions via our unique training programme GeoIntern to create interactive and interesting new ways to share science with communities. You will be credited on our website for your contribution to the projects.

Science Communication

Our Science Communication programme is run in association with Dr Andy Ridgeway, a senior lecturer from UWE responsible for the university’s MSc in Science Communication and Dr Hannah Little, lecturer in Communication and Media at the University of Liverpool.

The science communication training teaches the latest practical skills in science communication including science writing, video production as well as communicating science through social media. It is taught in an interactive way that will enable you to develop confidence and skills when communicating. Students will have the opportunity to undertake science writing, develop a short video, and receive feedback on their work.

The training will appeal to those considering a career communicating about science and the environment as well as those for whom communication may be part of their role, such as researchers.

There will also be guided sessions of practical work overseen by our associated local experts in Tenerife.

The key skills students will learn are:

  • How to write in a lively, engaging way about science for articles in the media and blogs.
  • Producing a short video about your research and the research of others.
  • Essential skills in presenting in front of a camera and in front of a live audience.
  • How to use social media effectively to communicate about science/the environment.
  • Adapting your communication to different audiences.
  • How to do an engaging interview for written articles, podcasts and videos.
  • Sound and video editing for brilliant audio (podcast) and video clips.
  • Scripting podcasts and vodcasts.
  • The art of telling a good story about science and the environment.
  • Using your knowledge of science and the environment to help bring about change.

Students will receive feedback on longer pieces of written work and videos and start developing their portfolios.

Andy will deliver the training in Week 1 of our GeoIntern programme. He is an award-winning journalist who spent nearly 20 years in the profession before becoming an academic. After starting his career working on local newspapers, he moved into science journalism and became Deputy Editor of BBC Focus, the BBC’s science magazine. During his time at Focus, he was named Editorial Person of the Year in the BBC Magazines Awards for Excellence. Since becoming a lecturer, Andy has continued to write for BBC Focus, New Scientist and The Economist, among other publications. Andy is a researcher on the European Commission-funded research project, RETHINK, which is exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by online science communication.

Hannah will be in Tenerife for Week 2 of the programme. Her research interests are digital communication, linguistic and cultural evolution, experimental methods and data analysis. Before going into academia, Hannah worked in science communication professionally. She worked full time co-ordinating the STEM Ambassador programme and the Nuffield Research Placements in the North East of England. Since then, she has facilitated science communication training with many organisations including the British Council, the UK Environment Agency and “I’m a scientist, get me out of here!”

From Week 3 GeoIntern will split into programmes A, B, C or D as outlined below:

A: Ignimbrites in Tenerife

Field skills with Dr Richard Brown, Durham University, researching explosive deposits in the South of Tenerife for publication. Contributing towards VolcanoStories’ Volcanic Readiness project.

B: Volcanology in La Palma

Fieldwork with the University of Florida on the 2021 eruption in Cumbre Vieja. Contributing towards VolcanoStories’ La Palma project.

C: Building Volcanic Resilience in the Canary Islands

Building Volcanic Resilience: Research project in collaboration with the National Geographic Insititute of Spain and local experts. Contributing towards VolcanoStories’ Volcanic Readiness project.

D: Sustainable Tourism in Tenerife

Research Project on the practices and impacts of unsustainable and sustainable tourism in Tenerife. Contributing towards VolcanoStories’ Sustainable tourism project.

At the conclusion of GeoIntern, we will hold a graduation at our HQ. Students will present a report of their work and there will be a formal presentation of graduation Certificates attesting to the skills you have learnt (subject to students submitting timely original pieces of work as set throughout the course).

On successful graduation, we are here to advise, promote, support and act as referees for you long after your month with us in the Canary Islands ends.

Summer Programme cost

The GeoIntern programme costs £950. What you will receive:

  • The fee covers the teaching costs and expenses for our experts, your accommodation at Casa Guanche, half board catering Monday to Friday (breakfast and supper), transfer costs (including return flights or ferry journeys to other islands for programmes in La Palma; airport/port transfers, daily transfer to your work environment, and liability cover. We are members of ABTA, the UK Travel Association, so your booking is fully protected.
  • You will be learning highly transferable skills in your time with us and you will participate in live research projects.
  • The scientists you will be training with for GeoIntern programmes are industry-recognised experts, and you will be learning directly from them. You will have a minimum of 180 direct contact hours with a variety of them from a range of backgrounds over four weeks.
  • You will receive feedback and guidance about your training and work in the field. This is an opportunity for you to develop a range of skills that are directly transferable to the workplace and will strengthen your CV.
  • You will also receive intensive science communication training to ensure you can present yourself and your work effectively in future (on and off camera) from professional lecturers.
  • We organise any required permits to enable you to participate in our fieldwork as well as any medical certificates you may need to be able to work in certain industrial installations where applicable. We endeavour to ensure you always have access to WIFI and a shared kitchen.
  • Your fee also covers a weekly excursion programme, to ensure you learn about the particular nature of the environment you are working in from local experts. There will be one full-day excursion per week (including for those working in La Palma), and all the associated costs (including extra insurance where required, or government permits) are included in the fee. Excursions include but are not limited to night-time descent into a lava tube, an ascent up to Teide crater, and a boat ride out to sea for lunch and to see the resident dolphin population.

The fee does NOT cover your flights to/from Tenerife, which is your responsibility to book and pay for, or weekend catering. ALL programmes begin and end in Tenerife and we will transfer you to other islands from here if required by your programme.

Part of your fee covers GeoTenerife running costs in the UK and Tenerife (to ensure a successful programme we have a permanent, fully-owned subsidiary in Tenerife), our ABTA membership (the UK travel trade association for tour operators and travel agents which protects your payment so your booking is secure) and comprehensive work and liability insurance cover.

A further percentage of your fee supports our Scholarship programme to enable wider access to GeoIntern, which is fully funded by the Summer Programme.

Some of our participants each year are part or fully funded by their home university to participate in our programme, so it is worth asking your tutor if funds are available for this purpose.

Want to hear from previous GeoInterns about their experience?

You can also see student views from previous years on our YouTube channel. See our “Where are they now” posts on our Facebook and Twitter posts where we will be posting about previous GeoInterns’ careers and lives since they graduated from the programme.

Want to apply next year?

Follow us on social media to keep up to date with all our work and when the 2025 applications will open.

GeoTenerife works with the leading institutions on the island to offer innovative field training camps in a range of disciplines. See this years field schools:

  • MarineSciCamp24
  • VolcanoCamp24
  • HydroCamp24