Daily updates from the Tajogaite 2021 eruption

La Palma eruption update 30th November 2021: Highest number of daily earthquakes recorded since the start of the eruption

The eruptive activity remains intermittent from some or all of...
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La Palma eruption update 1st december 2021: Sporadic activity continues in the main cone

Eruptive activity from the vents in the main cone has...
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La Palma eruption update 2nd december 2021: Secondary cone formed on the NE flank of the main cone

Eruptive activity continues to be concentrated around the vent on...
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La Palma eruption update 3rd december 2021: Limited activity seen from any of the vents today

Today, the eruptive activity is low and varied, relative to...
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La Palma eruption update 4th december 2021: Activity shifts to the SE flank of the main cone

Throughout the day, the surface activity of the volcano was...
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La Palma eruption update 5th december 2021: New vents to the south-west are producing fluid lavas

The eruption continues to show mixed activity from the main...
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La Palma eruption update 6th december 2021: New material is being added to the southern lava delta

The eruption continues with strombolian activity with variable amounts of...
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La Palma eruption update 7th December 2021: Cracks observed in the main cone remain stable

The eruptive activity remains centred around several emission points in...
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La Palma eruption update 8th december 2021: Some of the evacuated people have been permitted to return

Mixed activity continues to be seen from the main cone,...
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La Palma eruption update 9th december 2021: Seismicity remains at lower levels than the previous week

The eruption enters its 82nd day, still showing mixed strombolian...
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La Palma eruption update 10th december 2021: Seismicity and tremor remain low

There has been little variability in the eruption in the...
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La Palma eruption update 11th december 2021: The active lava flows are travelling over previous flows in the centre and south of the flow field

The surface activity and emission of lava remains concentrated around...
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La Palma eruption update 12th december 2021: Some intensification of volcanic tremor seen

From midday yesterday, a strong intensification in the seismic tremor...
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La Palma eruption update 13th december 2021: Intermittent cessations of volcanic tremor and eruptive activity observed

The volcano has entered a new eruptive phase, which began...
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La Palma eruption update 14th december 2021: No tremor or surface activity seen for more than 24 hours

Since the cessation of volcanic tremor on the evening on...
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La Palma eruption update 15th december 2021: Tremor continues at background levels

Throughout the 15th, volcanic tremor continued to be at background...
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La Palma eruption update 16th december 2021: PEVOLCA: The eruption won’t be declared over until at least 10 days without activity

For the third day, volcanic tremor continued at background levels...
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La Palma eruption update 17th december 2021: Risks still remain despite the lack of activity

Volcanic tremor continues at background levels with no change and...
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La Palma eruption update 18th december 2021: 5 full days without tremor or eruptive activity

Volcanic tremor continues at background levels, with no eruptive activity...
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La Palma eruption update 19th december 2021: Background levels maintained

Volcanic tremor continues at background levels, with no eruptive activity...
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